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International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "International Indeed, Close Action.. Alistair Warren (GBR317), Chris Maas (USA246) and Peter Ullmann (GER79) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: International Canoe

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: GBR303 at the 2011 Worlds © Robert Muller ex German web site

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "John Robson (GBR283) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Mark Goodchild at the 2014 Worlds © David Thompson

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Chris Hampe at the 2013 Europa cup. Photo: © Loch Lomond SC"

International Canoe Class Sailing Commitee 2018

Phil Robin - GBR  (Chair)

Arne Stahl - GER

Del Olsen – USA

Geoff Carne – AUS

Bob Lewis – CAN

Ola Barthleson – SWE

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International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: David Gilliland (USA 209) - Texas rodeo. 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Hugh deLong (GBR275) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Mikey Radziejowski at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Frederik Steimann at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Now which bit of boat is where in that photo? Paul Hignett considers plumbing the depths of Loch Lomond with racing blown off at the 2013 Europa Cup.. Photo: © Loch Lomond SC"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: David Clark at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: David Clark at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Michael Leitch at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Alasdair Alston (GBR196) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Mark Goodchild at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Ed Bremner (GBR314) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Michael Brigg and his 50 year old veteran, (K102) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"