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International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Simon Allen (GBR 278). I love the lighting in this one. 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "John Ellis (GBR334) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Hugh deLong (GBR275) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Steve (GBR) Clarke at the 2014 Worlds. © David Thompson

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Mark Goodchild at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Chris Hampe and Phil Robin at the 2014 Worlds © David Thompson

International Canoe Worlds 2022/3 - Cancelled

It is with regret that the ICF Sailing Committee has to announce that the XXI IC World Championship to be held at Lake Macquarie YC in Australia from 30 December 2022 to 7 January 2023 has been cancelled.

High shipping costs and uncertainty following the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine, has severely affected the feasibility of holding the World Championship in Australia. It has become too expensive for IC sailors from other countries in the World to attend in sufficient numbers to make the event viable. The ICF Sailing Committee anticipate high shipping costs could remain for some time, so has decided that the XXI World Championship will now be held in Europe in Summer 2023, probably in Germany or Great Britain. Further details will be published once a venue has been found. It is planned to hold the XXII World Championship in Australia thereafter, hopefully during 2025.

Phil Robin Chair

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International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: David Clark at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Michael Brigg and his 50 year old veteran, (K102) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Uphill Challenge: Peter Ullmann (GER79) leads a bunch of others at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Alasdair Alston (GBR196) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Steve Fleming (GBR158) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Robin Wood at the 2014 Worlds. Flat is fast... © David Thompson

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Marei Charlotte Junge (GER60) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Contrast! A 3 Masted Schooner in the backgrouns as Frederik Steimann (GER68) blasts upwind at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Race 4 Start line action. Chris Maas and Willy Clark battling at the pin end. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "John Robson (GBR283) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "International Indeed, Close Action.. Alistair Warren (GBR317), Chris Maas (USA246) and Peter Ullmann (GER79) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Just about the most dramatic IC photo I've ever seen. Emma Grigull (GER65) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"