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International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Start Sequence Race 4 at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Steve Bowen (GBR310) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Canoes starting at the 2008 Billy No Mates. From Left, Gareth Caldwell, Robin Wood, John Nixon. © James Close, JEC Creative.

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Blue Horizon Behind Blue Horizon John Ellis (GBR318) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Chris Hampe at the 2013 Europa cup. Photo: © Loch Lomond SC"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "The mountains of the Llyn Peninsula behind, and Brett Holly (AUS1) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

1959 New York Canoe Club International Challenge Cup

Bill Kempner and Alan Emus were selected for the British Team.

Ian Proctor described the canoe project for Bill Kempner (the canoe used for the 1959 NYCC Cup challenge) as:-

"Bill was a dedicated and expert canoe sailor. He made his objectives quite clear, he wanted a boat in which he could win back the New York Canoe Club Trophy from the Americans. He was confident he had the skills, he wanted the instrument that would best respond to those skills. Four successive wins for my designs in the National 12 and Merlin-Rocket championship, much reinforced by the fact that we probably had the best small boat building firm in the country at that time, if not the world, to put this boat together- Jack Chippendale.

"This Mark II hull, though fairly powerful for it's beam, was 4 inches narrower than 'Pronto's'. The bow waterlines, in particular were much slimmer and there was less rocker forward. To compensate for loss of displacement forward, the stern sections were flattened a little. Obviously, this moved the centre of buoyancy aft and the sliding seat had to be moved aft too to put the weight in the right place.

"A curved, ladder slide and the helmsman's expertise made absolutely unnecessary any thought of high freeboard amidships to keep him and the deck out of the water (midships freeboard was 2.1/4 inches less). Tiller and mainsheet systems were improved. The basic construction remained similar.

The two boat team of Bill Kempner in 'Folly 'and Alan Emus in 'Shrike' successfully challenged for the New York Canoe Club Trophy in September 1959. 'Folly' won both races over a 3 mile course, the first by 4 mins 30 secs and the second by 1 min 15 secs. The Proctor mark II was essentially a development of the 'Spindrift' design of Uffa Fox."

From Andrew Eastwood's History of Canoe Sailing in Britain.

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International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Paul Hignett out for a blast on the blown off last day of the 2013 Europa Cup. He's sailing Colin Newman's IC OD Extended Play, GBR 295. © Jim Champ 2013

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Anthony Lowther (CAN4) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Eckhardt Pagel (GER74) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "John Ellis (GBR334) at the 2017 Worlds, Pwlhelli. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Chris Hampe mid gybe at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Dave Timson (GBR303) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Michael Leitch at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Mark Goodchild at the 2014 Worlds © David Thompson

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: GBR303 at the 2011 Worlds © Robert Muller ex German web site

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: Canoe Park at Richmond YC at the start of the 2014 Worlds. Photo: © Willian Gutoff

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: "Johan Elfström (SWE101) at the 2011 worlds, Travemunde, Germany. Photo: © Robert Muller"

International 10 sq.m. Canoe International 10 sq.m. Canoe

Image: David Clark at the 2014 Worlds, San Francisco. Photo © Robert Muller